‫كيهوا تُصنف كمورد عاكس تخزين الطاقة رقم 5 على مستوى العالم في عام 2021

شيامن، الصين، 1 نوفمبر، 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت مؤسسة الأبحاث الدولية الموثوقة IHS Markit (التي أصبحت الآن جزءًا من ستاندرد آند بورز جلوبال) عن أفضل 10 موردين لعاكس تخزين الطاقة في عام 2021. أصبحت كيهوا، مع شحنات عاكس تخزين الطاقة الرائعة، المورد رقم 5 لعاكس تخزين الطاقة على مستوى العالم. ويعد هذا التصنيف شهادة على النمو السريع لوجود كيهوا في سوق عاكس تخزين الطاقة ويؤكد إنجازاتها في صناعة الطاقة المتجددة.

وعلى الرغم من نقص العمالة وقضايا سلسلة التوريد المرتبطة بكوفيد-19 في السوق العالمية، لا تدع كيهو أبدًا الصعوبات والتحديات توقف التزامها بالتنمية المستدامة العالمية. تمتلك الشركة 20000 م2 منطقة تصنيع من 4 قواعد تصنيع، وأكثر من 4000 موظف وقدرة إنتاج شمسية سنوية تبلغ 40 جيجاوات. مع القدرة الإنتاجية الرائعة، تواصل الشركة تنفيذ مشاريعها الخارجية، مما يضمن النمو المستمر للإيرادات من المشاريع مع المساهمة بشكل كبير في صعود تصنيف الشركة على القائمة.

 ويجري الترويج للجولة العالمية الجديدة الحالية من ثورة الطاقة، وينضج تدريجيًا نموذج الأعمال لسيناريوهات تطبيقات تخزين الطاقة، وسيصبح تخزين الطاقة أحد العوامل الرئيسية المؤثرة في تحول الطاقة العالمي. واستجابة لهذا الاتجاه التنموي، تولي كيهوا أهمية كبيرة لسوق تخزين الطاقة وتقدم تخطيطها الاستراتيجي، بهدف اغتنام فرص النمو وستواصل مرافقة التحوّل العالمي للطاقة.

في السنوات الأخيرة، كانت كيهوا تمضي قدمًا في مجال تخزين الطاقة، حيث توفر حلول ESS لجميع السيناريوهات، بما في ذلك حلول ESS السكنية و C&I ESS وحلول محطات الطاقة واسعة النطاق، تاركة سمعتها الممتازة في جميع أنحاء العالم.

China's first black start project of 9E gas units assisted by Kehua ESS

مع ارتفاع سوق تخزين الطاقة بسرعة، استجابت كيهوا أيضًا لاحتياجات تخزين الطاقة السكنية سريعة النمو.و حصدت سلسلة iStoragE السكنية المتكاملة ESS التي أطلقتها كيهوا في أغسطس من هذا العام أكثر من 20000 مجموعة من اتفاقيات التوريد بإجمالي 390 وات في أقل من ثلاثة أشهر بعد إصدارها.

720MWh power plant project in Gansu, China PV+ESS للمستقبل.” هذا هو المفهوم الذي اقترحته كيهوا لقطاع الطاقة المتجددة، مما يعبر عن تصميم الشركة على جعل الحلول المتكاملة الكهروضوئية و ESS أعمالها الرئيسية على المدى الطويل وبالتالي مساعدة التنمية المستدامة في العالم. هذا التكريم هو اعتراف بالعمل السابق، وفي المستقبل، ستواصل كيهوا توفير حلول طاقة متجددة آمنة وموثوقة وتكرسها لبناء عالم أكثر اخضرارًا مع المستخدمين العالميين.

حول كيهوا

 تأسست كيهوا في عام 1988، وهي مزود رائد عالميًا لحلول الطاقة المتجددة، حيث تقدم حلول العاكسات الكهروضوئية وأنظمة تخزين الطاقة للمرافق و C&I والتطبيقات السكنية. وحتى الآن، تمتلك كيهوا 21 جيجاوات من المنشآت الكهروضوئية و2.6 جيجاوات من منشآت تخزين الطاقة على مستوى العالم. مع 34 عامًا من الخبرة في صناعة الطاقة المتجددة، خدمت منتجات كيهوا أكثر من 100 دولة حول العالم. في الوقت الحالي، صنفت كيهوا من أفضل 10 علامات تجارية للعاكس الشمسي تستخدم في المشاريع الممولة من القروض لأجل ( Bloomberg ) ومورد عاكس التخزين العالمي رقم 5 ( IHS Markit ). ستواصل كيهوا خلق طاقة خضراء بقوة البحث والتطوير وتكرس جهودها للسماح للعالم بالاستمتاع بحياة خالية من الكربون بأمان.

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 الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1933832/1.jpg

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‫باول لوباتكا ينضم إلى Customertimes كقائد للمحفظة الإستراتيجية

نيويورك، 1 نوفمبر / تشرين ثاني 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت Customertimes ، وهي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال الحلول الرقمية وشريك عالمي في تكامل وتنفيذ Salesforce ، اليوم أن باول لوباتكا، المدير التنفيذي المخضرم في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات، قد انضم إلى الشركة بصفته قائد المحفظة الإستراتيجية.

يجلب السيد لوباتكا مجموعة واسعة من المهارات والخبرات الإستراتيجية إلى دوره الجديد. يُعتبر أحد المديرين الأكثر فاعلية وابتكارًا الذين يعملون في قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات في بولندا، ويتمتع بخبرة عميقة في التكنولوجيا المالية وتجارة التجزئة والإعلام والتحول الرقمي والاستعانة بمصادر خارجية والكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) وعمليات الدمج والاستحواذ.

قاد السيد لوباتكا المبادرات الأوروبية لمجموعة من الشركات العالمية، حيث أنه معترف به من قبل مؤسسة Pro Progressio كمدير العام Manager of the Year في 2018 وبصفته Business Tiger من 2017 إلى 2022. وهو عضو سابق في مجلس إدارة الفرع البولندي لمعهد إدارة المشاريع والرابطة البولندية لقادة خدمات الأعمال.

قال برايان بوراك، مدير العمليات في Customertimes ، إن للسيد لوبتاكا دور مركزي في خطط الشركة للنمو الأوروبي المتسارع.

قال السيد بوراك: “يُنظر إلى باول على نطاق واسع بسبب فطنته الإستراتيجية والتشغيلية”. “نحن نتوسع بشكل كبير، وستكون رؤية باول عنصرًا رئيسيًا لشق الطريق لعملائنا وفريقنا ومنظمتنا.”

يعتبر السيد لوباتكا أن Customertimes مناسبة تمامًا لمهاراته وروحه الشخصية.

قال السيد لوباتكا: “المهمة الأساسية لشركة Customertimes مضمنة في اسم الشركة – خدمة العميل قبل كل شيء”. “هذا التزام أتقاسمه مع الشركة. أنا مكرس لقيادة نجاح العملاء، وضمان جودة التسليم، ومساعدة الشركة في توسيع نطاق محفظة عملائها. تتمتع Customertimes بسمعة ممتازة لأفضل المواهب وتقدم حلولًا متطورة في الموعد النهائي. لهذا السبب تنمو بسرعة، ولماذا أنا فخور بالانضمام إلى فريق القيادة “.

لمزيد من المعلومات:

اتصل بنا:  experts@customertimes.com

أو تابع حسابنا على لينكد إن:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/customertimes

نبذة عن شركة Customertimes

شركة Customertimes هي شركة استشارات وبرمجيات عالمية متخصّصة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات الأكثر تطوّرًا لعملائها. وقد نفّذت الشركة أكثر من 4000 مشروع، ويعمل بها أكثر من 1600 خبير تكنولوجي متميّز؛ لذا فإنّ حلولها مصمّمة لمساعدة عملائها على تحقيق تحوّل حقيقي في أعمالهم، وتحقيق أقصى فائدة من استثماراتهم التكنولوجية. وقد كانت Customertimes من أوائل الشركات المشاركة في فضاء سيلز فورس للاستشارات والحلول التنفيذية في أوروبا الشرقية، وهي حائزة على العديد من الجوائز بوصفها شركة مطوّرة للمنتجات والحلول السحابية. يقع المقرّ الرئيسي للشركة حاليًا في مدينة نيويورك، ولديها مكاتب إقليمية في لندن، وباريس، وتورنتو، وكييف، وبوزنان، وريغا، وبودغوريتشا. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.customertimes.com .

للتواصل الإعلامي:

ميريل سيكورا

شركة Customertimes



Miami International Holdings Announces SPIKES Futures and Options are Now Trading in Penny Increments

PRINCETON, N.J., Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Miami International Holdings, Inc. (MIH), owner of Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (MIAX®), MIAX PEARL, LLC (MIAX Pearl®), MIAX Emerald, LLC (MIAX Emerald®), Minneapolis Grain Exchange, LLC (MGEX™), The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX™) and Dorman Trading, LLC announced today that SPIKES® Futures and Options are now trading in penny ($0.01) increments.

Effective October 31, 2022, the SPIKES Futures minimum price increment is $0.01, creating the potential for tighter bid/ask spreads, reduced trading costs and the opportunity for improved execution prices. The change to 0.01 index points will result in a $10 tick value per contract for SPIKES Futures, compared to the previous $50 tick value.

The minimum trading increment for all series of SPIKES options is $0.01 if the options series is trading at less than $3.00 or $0.05 if the options series is trading at $3.00 or higher.

“MIAX remains focused on providing innovative solutions to address the challenges facing end-users in the evolving volatility trading ecosystem,” said Thomas P. Gallagher, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MIH. “We believe penny increments will provide traders with a more efficient way to trade volatility, allowing greater precision in trading strategies, improved execution prices and potentially lowering overall trading costs.”

SPIKES Futures and Options are traded on the SPIKES Volatility Index (Ticker: SPIKE), which updates every 100 milliseconds for pinpoint accuracy. The index is a measure of the expected 30-day volatility in the SPDR® S&P 500® ETF (SPY). SPIKES Futures are offered by MGEX and trade electronically via the CME Globex® platform under the symbol “SPK.” SPIKES Options trade under the symbol “SPIKE” on the MIAX Options Exchange and are cash-settled with monthly expirations. More information about SPIKES products can be found here.

About MIAX
MIAX’s parent holding company, Miami International Holdings, Inc., owns Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (MIAX®), MIAX PEARL, LLC (MIAX Pearl®), MIAX Emerald, LLC (MIAX Emerald®), Minneapolis Grain Exchange, LLC (MGEX™), The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX™) and Dorman Trading, LLC.

MIAX, MIAX Pearl and MIAX Emerald are national securities exchanges registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that are enabled by MIAX’s in-house built, proprietary technology. MIAX offers trading of options on all three exchanges as well as cash equities through MIAX Pearl Equities™. The MIAX trading platform was built to meet the high-performance quoting demands of the U.S. options trading industry and is differentiated by throughput, latency, reliability and wire-order determinism. MIAX also serves as the exclusive exchange venue for cash-settled options on the SPIKES® Volatility Index (Ticker: SPIKE), a measure of the expected 30-day volatility in the SPDR® S&P 500® ETF (SPY).

MGEX is a registered exchange with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and offers trading in a variety of products including Hard Red Spring Wheat Futures and also serves as the exclusive market for SPIKES Futures. MGEX is a Designated Contract Market (DCM) and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO) under the CFTC, providing DCM, DCO and cash market services in an array of asset classes.

BSX is a fully electronic, vertically integrated international securities market headquartered in Bermuda and organized in 1971. BSX specializes in the listing and trading of capital market instruments such as equities, debt issues, funds, hedge funds, derivative warrants, and insurance linked securities.

Dorman Trading LLC is a full-service Futures Commission Merchant registered with the CFTC.

MIAX’s executive offices and National Operations Center are located in Princeton, N.J., with additional offices located in Miami, FL, Minneapolis, MN, Hamilton, Bermuda and Chicago, Illinois.

To learn more about MIAX visit www.MIAXOptions.com.

To learn more about MGEX visit www.mgex.com.

To learn more about BSX visit www.bsx.com.

To learn more about Dorman Trading visit www.dormantrading.com.

Disclaimer and Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities of Miami International Holdings, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, the Company), and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer; solicitation or sale would be unlawful. This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may,” “future,” “plan” or “planned,” “will” or “should,” “expected,” “anticipates,” “draft,” “eventually” or “projected.” You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) referenced by the Company remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, the Company’s use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between the owners of these trademarks and the Company. Any references by the Company to third-party trademarks is to identify the corresponding third-party goods and/or services and shall be considered nominative fair use under the trademark law.

Media Contact:
Andy Nybo, SVP, Chief Communications Officer
(609) 955-2091

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1396492/MIAX_Logo.jpg

Hisense Launches New Soundbars and Party Speaker in South Africa, Bring Listening Experience to a New Level

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Hisense, a leading electronics manufacturer, announced that the company is bringing a new suite of offerings dedicated to elevating the listening experience to South Africa. The three products – HP100 Speaker for party music, Dolby Atmos® AX5100G and AX3100G Soundbar for theatre-level entertainment, are crafted with the purpose to deliver size-defying performance, packing sound-enhancing features that complement users’ home cinematic setups to create an immersive audio-visual experience

“Whether it is for a home movie night or an outdoor friend gathering, we hope to offer our customers a range of products with easy-to-use and powerful features that allow them to create immersive cinematic or musical experiences,” said Patrick, marketing director of Hisense South Africa.

The Hisense Party Rock Speaker HP100 has a trendy and eye-catching appearance with a sleek black finish and coloured light panels around its four speakers. With its powerful sound system and great versatility, HP100 is designed to level up the party experience with various cool features, including the Karaoke Mode, five lighting effects, and five DJ effects.

The HP100’s compact yet mighty sound powerhouse is fitted with two 6.5″ woofers and two 2.5″ tweeters, supercharged by its 300-watt power output, capable of delivering loud crisp sound and deep, pumping bass. Thanks to its 15 hours of battery life and an IPX4 splashproof design, HP100 allows the users to enjoy all-night fun with the dazzling light rims adding an electrifying effect to the music scene.

Users can take advantage of AX5100G’s 340-watt maximum power output to enjoy the room-filling immersion, along with the support for Dolby Atmos® and DTS: X® that can transform music, film or gaming content into a breathtakingly realistic surround auditory feast.

Both the AX5100G 5.1-channel and AX3100G 3.1-channel Soundbars feature seven speakers that transport the listener to the centre of the music or movie scene, as well as a powerful 6.5′′ wireless subwoofer that delivers rich and beefy bass, allowing users to enjoy exceptional detail and depth of their favourite tracks and shows. The two models are designed for greater simplicity and versatility, with a wall-mountable design and a wide choice of connectivity options that allow users to easily set up the device with simple installation steps.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1934888/image_5020023_32572150.jpg

Industry Raves About Jereh Innovative Oil & Gas Solutions at ADIPEC 2022

ABU DHABI, UAE, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — With a wide range of new applications, Jereh introduces the company’s latest technologies and solutions of oil & gas industries to energy professionals at ADIPEC 2022, the global energy industry’s largest, most important and influential event.

Following the deep concerns of global energy development, this year, under the theme of “High-efficient, Eco-friendly, Achieve a sustainable future!”, Jereh presents innovative solutions including high-end equipment, technical services, EPC and operation for upstream and midstream of oil and gas development and production chain, as well as new energy and environment management industries.

Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Mr.Weibin Li, EVP of Jereh Group

Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, member of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of ADNOC’s Board of Directors visited Jereh stand and showed his interest and appreciation of Jereh’s support to ADNOC.

At the event, Jereh glassesless 3D video has received unparalleled attention, showing four types of oilfield equipment including cementing unit, fracturing unit and CTU.Jereh glassesless 3D video became a highlight at the event

With the transformation of oilfield stimulation in the Middle East, cost reduction and efficiency has become major concerns. Equipped with robust electric motor and 7000hp plunger pump, Jereh E-Frac solution can satisfy operation of large displacement, high pressure and long duration. Running on electricity generated by Jereh Turbine Genset rather than diesel, the fleet ensures a cleaner, more efficient and economical way for fracturing operations.

Jereh also unveiled its model of surface engineering project. In the Middle East, for the Middle East. With experience of more than 20 years in the industry, Jereh has ranked among the international oil and gas field surface EPC engineering. In 2021, Jereh successfully signed the ADNOC pilot production facility project in the UAE. In the same year, Jereh was awarded the JPF-5 project of KOC with a contract value of over $426 million.

While remaining at the forefront in oil & gas industry, Jereh actively explores its possibilities on environment protection. From the transformation of drive mode, exploitation and utilization of unconventional energy to integrated environmental management solutions, Jereh targets future energy with fewer emissions, and works towards a clean earth.

Possessing 10 global R&D centers and high-end equipment manufacturing bases, Jereh is able to offer reliable and customized products and services in the Middle East including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait, Oman, etc.

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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1934777/1.jpg

At Gulfood Manufacturing in Dubai, Concepta Ingredients presents Brazilian biodiversity portfolio

  • Ingredients from Brazilian biodiversity – Oils, butter, syrups and extracts from pulps or seeds of Brazilian biomes Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga;
  • Plant-Based Butter – 100% natural and sustainable product, without any type of chemical additive or artificial color;
  • Cold Pressed Oils – Special cold extraction and are directed to the food market, to the nutraceutical, functional food, and food supplements segments;
  • Organic Liquid Sugars – Extracted with aggregated technology and developed focused on the food and beverage industries, do not have any type of chemical additive, artificial or pesticide component;
  • Bio Abundance Program – It reinforces the company’s commitment to Brazilian forests.

SÃO PAULO, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Concepta Ingredients, Sabará Group’s business unit specialized in providing natural solutions for the food and beverage industry, is participating for the first time in one of the most important events in the world for the food sector: Gulfood Manufacturing, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The fair brings together more than 1,600 exhibitors from 60 countries from November 8th to 10th and presents the trends and innovations for 2022, in the sectors of Ingredients, Processing, Packaging, Supply Chain Solutions and Control and Automation.

In its booth, Concepta Ingredients exhibits its biodiversity portfolio with organic and conventional ingredients, composed of Plant-Based Butter, products originating from Açaí (Açaí Powder, Syrup, Oil and Extract), the range of Muscovado and Demerara Liquid Sugars and Cupuaçu Butter, besides the Brazil Nut, Licuri, Toasted Babaçu, Passion fruit, Sacha Inchi and Patauá Oils. Another highlight is the Cold Pressed Vegetable Oils range, launched in 2022, which contains products made from Sunflower, Sesame, Linseed and Safflower.

André Sabará, Commercial Director of Concepta Ingredients, reinforces the importance of being part of an event of such magnitude, where it is expected to receive more than 30 thousand professionals from the food and beverage industries. “Concepta actively participates in several fairs, and this is an important opportunity to establish new connections and relationships, besides showing the work we develop with Brazilian ingredients”, he pointed out. “It is essential to present our products in different markets, such as the Middle East, valuing the wealth of Brazil and of course always exchanging knowledge with professionals from other countries”, he explained.

Recently, the company started operating in Dubai. Juliana Camillo, responsible for developing new businesses in the region, highlighted the importance of the fair to ensure greater visibility for the brand in the Middle East.

“This operation was opened to serve customers from the Middle East and North Africa with more agility, as we can count on a local stock. At Gulfood Manufacturing, we want to position ourselves with the presentation of Concepta Ingredients’ most important products, always reinforcing the appreciation of Brazilian biodiversity inputs and the work built over the years by the company”, she concluded.

Bio Abundance Program
During the fair, Concepta Ingredients also presents the Bio Abundance Program, launched in 2022, which reinforces the commitment to Brazilian forests. The initiative is based on five pillars: connecting people in a virtuous value chain between the forest wealth and the market; keeping the forest standing; respecting the people and communities that inhabit it; encouraging the use of ingredients from Brazilian biomes; and promoting socioeconomic inclusion and reducing social inequality.

The Bio Abundance Program contributes to the indirect preservation of about 345 thousand hectares of native vegetation, spread among the Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes, and involves about 2,100 families.

Products and uses

Arboreto Range – ingredients from Brazilian Biodiversity

The products from Brazilian biodiversity are the result of several projects, which are based on the conservation of the forest and contribute directly to the development of communities. The range is composed of oils, butters, syrups and extracts from pulps or seeds from the Brazilian biomes Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga, with emphasis on Açaí, Passionfruit, Licuri, Patauá, Brazil Nut and Cupuaçu.

Plant-Based Butter
Concepta Ingredients Plant-Based Butter, also part of the Arboreto range, is 100% natural and sustainable, without any type of chemical additive or artificial dye, and stands out for pure production with organic certification. Because it has no gluten and is free of trans fat, canola, soy and sodium, it is suitable for flexitarian and vegan diets, a healthy alternative to milk butter.

Cold Pressed Vegetable Oils
The range of Cold Pressed Vegetable Oils has conventional ingredients, with special cold extraction and is directed to the food market, mainly to the nutraceutical, functional food and food supplements segments. Sunflower, Sesame, Linseed and Safflower products have a higher concentration of bioactive components and are able to preserve the flavor, color and aroma characteristics of the seeds.

Organic Liquid Sugars
The Liquid Muscovado and Demerara Sugars, in turn, come from organic management, extracted with aggregated technology and developed with a focus on the food and beverage industries. Those ingredients do not have any type of chemical additive, artificial or pesticide component.

Muscovado Sugar, for example, does not undergo any kind of refinement, thus preserving the minerals and phytosterols from sugarcane. Demerara Sugar is less refined than standard sugar, thus ensuring the presence of sugarcane nutrients.

Gulfood Manufacturing – Dubai
Location: Dubai World Trade Centre
Date: November 8th-10th
Concepta Booth: #G8-30
For more information and enrollment: https://www.gulfoodmanufacturing.com/

About Concepta Ingredients:
Concepta Ingredients is part of Sabará Group and is specialized in natural and technological solutions developed in accordance with Bio Abundance Program. From a work based on innovation and research, the company offers organic and conventional ingredients, supported in the training of families and indirect conservation of areas of different biomes in Brazil. Its complete portfolio has technological inputs from international partners and ingredients from biodiversity to meet the most specific demands of the industries in where it is present.

About Sabará Group
Sabará Group, with over 65 years of history, is genuinely Brazilian and recognized for its capacity for innovation and adaptation. For three generations, the Group has overcome challenges and excels in its markets. The company’s commitment to the welfare of people around the world goes beyond the offering of innovative products and services. Its activities take into account future generations with a focus on solutions to ensure sustainability. Through its various branches of activity, Sabará Group operates throughout the national territory and has a presence in countries in South America, North America and Europe. It is specialized in the development of high performance technologies, solutions and raw materials, aimed at the water treatment markets in sanitation and industry, nutrition and animal health and the food and beverage industries. The development of its products relies on 100% national knowledge and technology, a factor which contributes to Brazil becoming a reference in product research for a sustainable world.

Johnson Controls Names Latest Blueprint of the Future Award Winners

  • Johnson Controls recognizes visionary leaders embracing digital technology in their built environment and transforming their industries
  • Winners are recognized for leveraging technologies, such as digital twins and artificial intelligence, to reduce carbon emissions from their buildings, improve safety and deliver more personalized experiences for visitors and enhancing prosperity in communities

CORK, Ireland, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), the global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, today announced the latest Blueprint of the Future award winners, comprising its second cohort of OpenBlue Pioneers. This exclusive group is being recognized for visionary leadership in transforming the built environment with Johnson Controls OpenBlue digital technology. Aligning nearly 140 years of experience with its commitment to digital transformation, Johnson Controls and its OpenBlue suite of solutions are allowing customers to deliver breakthrough building performance, achieve impactful sustainability and ensure advanced security.Johnson Controls Logo.

The latest recipients of the OpenBlue Pioneers award demonstrate global ambition across multiple industry sectors:

  • Fiserv Forum, delivering unforgettable fan experiences in a comfortable, safe and sustainable environment
    Fiserv Forum and the city’s Deer District, based in Milwaukee, are icons of ingenuity rooted in sustainability and technological innovation. Powered by OpenBlue Healthy Buildings solutions and the Metasys® building automation system, Fiserv Forum advances the digital transformation of its smart building systems to deliver a best in-class in-arena fan experience without sacrificing sustainability. Building operators oversee the complete footprint of Fiserv Forum from the Arena Operations Center, ensuring the security of players, talent, staff and attendees at all times.
  • Museum of the Future, symbolizing the vision of a brighter tomorrow
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Museum of the Future is being heralded as one of the most iconic buildings in the world. It is an exhibition space for innovative and futuristic attractions, services and products. Standing 77m tall, the avant-garde façade is made of stainless steel and glass, consisting of 1,024 unique panels. Working closely with interior architects, Johnson Controls delivered advanced security that matched the innovative design. The building employs cutting-edge technologies including virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence to create a truly immersive experience for visitors from around the world.
  • Microsoft Beijing West Campus, an energy-efficient pilot
    Microsoft’s Beijing West campus undertook an energy efficient pilot in keeping with China’s pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, and Microsoft’s Carbon Negative by 2030 ambition. In this limited pilot, Microsoft’s real estate team migrated the applications and data storage of the different systems – power supply, building controls, energy management and smart management to the Azure platform, creating a central, integrated “digital brain” for the Campus. Coupled with Johnson Controls OpenBlue Enterprise Manager and Metasys, Microsoft streamlined efficient building management, improved the user experience and enjoyed a significant reduction in the energy consumption of its daily operations.
  • Derwent London, making net zero a realty for its iconic properties
    Derwent London is the largest real estate investment trust in London and includes a portfolio of high profile and iconic properties including the state-of-the-art White Collar Factory in the thriving Tech City hub. Its commitment to sustainability is measured by ambitious plans to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030 by reducing energy consumption, increasing renewable power usage and auditing their activities to slash carbon footprint. Derwent London is using OpenBlue Enterprise Manager to gather a wealth of fresh insights about building performance on a single dashboard and OpenBlue Central Utility Plant to shrink the carbon footprint of its central plant, the cluster of mechanical, electrical and water systems that serves as the backbone of a building’s energy load.
  • Intaleq, pioneering stadium technology at the World Cup Qatar 2022
    Intaleq, a Qatar-based solutions and services provider for the sports and entertainment industry, introduced first-of-its-kind digital solution for the stadiums of the World Cup Qatar 2022. Powered by the Johnson Controls OpenBlue digital platform and Microsoft Azure, the new state of the art solution for smart stadiums is using intelligence to transform eight World Cup venues into one connected digital space that helps customers with situational awareness and actionable insights at a much faster response rate compared to any traditional command centers.

“Harnessing the power of digital technology to drive customer outcomes is the future of the buildings industry and what we take pride in at Johnson Controls. This group of OpenBlue Pioneers have demonstrated leadership in transforming their buildings and facilities to be smarter, safer and more sustainable,” said Rodney Clark, vice president and chief commercial officer at Johnson Controls. “I applaud the winners for recognizing that the future of our built environment is digital.”

Johnson Controls and OpenBlue Pioneers are bound together by a common aspiration: innovation. These awards recognize the company’s visionary customers and the incredible outcomes achieved through digital transformation. From making stadiums and museums safer for visitors and more efficient to operate, to improving the performance of office buildings and factories, Johnson Controls acknowledges how they are transforming built environments by delivering the blueprint of the future in healthy, safe and sustainable buildings.

Each winner has received a Blueprint of the Future Industry Award recognizing their efforts and outstanding visionary leadership.

To learn more about OpenBlue Pioneers, please visit: https://www.johnsoncontrols.com/openblue/openblue-pioneers

To read more about Johnson Controls commitment to sustainability, please visit: https://www.johnsoncontrols.com/corporate-sustainability/environment

INVESTOR CONTACT:                        MEDIA CONTACT:
Michael Gates
Direct: +1 414.524.5785    

Email:  michael.j.gates@jci.com  

Danielle Canzanella

Direct: +1 203-499-8297

Email: danielle.canzanella@jci.com

About Johnson Controls:

At Johnson Controls (NYSE:JCI), we transform the environments where people live, work, learn and play. As the global leader in smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, our mission is to reimagine the performance of buildings to serve people, places and the planet.

Building on a proud history of nearly 140 years of innovation, we deliver the blueprint of the future for industries such as healthcare, schools, data centers, airports, stadiums, manufacturing and beyond through OpenBlue, our comprehensive digital offering.

Today, with a global team of 100,000 experts in more than 150 countries, Johnson Controls offers the world`s largest portfolio of building technology and software as well as service solutions from some of the most trusted names in the industry.

Visit www.johnsoncontrols.com for more information and follow @Johnson Controls on social platforms.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/73855/johnson_controls_logo.jpg

VAPORESSO Readies XROS 3 for Early December Release

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — VAPORESSO, a world-leading vaping brand, will launch its latest products, the XROS 3 and XROS 3 Mini, on 28th October on its official website, which is predicted to be sold in early December. The Company recently showcased the new model at the two-day Vapexpo in Paris.

The XROS series has built up a worldwide following as one of the most reliable and powerful vape products available on the market. The Company has sold in excess of 40 million units since launching the series in 2020. The XROS has also picked up multiple plaudits for its innovative and trendy design, including a prestigious Red Dot Award in 2022 and multiple Muse Design Awards.

“In keeping with our company spirit of ‘Cross the Limit’, the XROS series continues to push back the boundaries in terms of what a vaping product can bring to customers,” said Thalia Cheng, chief marketing officer of VAPORESSO. “We built the XROS 3 with our customers in mind, allowing them to enjoy our leading vape product performance and an aesthetic that is universally celebrated.

Packed with a 1,000 mAh high-density battery, the XROS 3 provides users with a solid and reliable vaping solution that can be used for 48 hours on a single charge. Type-C charging ensures greater convenience, while the draw activation ensures the product won’t malfunction in users’ pockets.

The product comes with a sleek rounded design that ensures the mouthpiece fits perfectly between the user’s lips, providing an accurate MTL experience. The round-edge bottom of the vape delivers a modern and timeless design. Additionally, the neon indicator to show how much battery power is left combines aesthetics with function to provide users with comfort and practicality.

The XROS 3 also features the COREX Heating technology for rapid and even heating, a precise adjustable airflow, and VAPORESSO’s SSS technology to prevent leakage. In addition to no leakage, the design means users can top-fill the vape without needing to remove the head, allowing them to easily switch between Tight MTL to Restricted DTL pods.


VAPORESSO was created in 2015 and is dedicated to establishing a smoke-free world while raising the quality of life for its users. Based on its continuous innovation, strict quality control, and substantial commitment, VAPORESSO creates products that can fit all levels and styles of vapers.


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1934840/Xros3.jpg
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1847940/OV_1__2_Logo.jpg


CGTN: China, Vietnam chart course for bilateral ties  

BEIJING, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China has welcomed the first foreign leader to visit the country since the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) — General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

At the invitation of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese president, Trong is on an official visit to China which began on October 30.

During their talks on Monday, the two leaders vowed to make joint efforts in promoting the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era to a new level.

A visit showing solid friendship

Noting that Trong is the first foreign leader he has met since the 20th CPC National Congress and this is Trong’s first trip abroad since the 13th National Congress of the CPV, Xi said that it fully shows the great importance the two sides attach to developing relations between the two countries and the two parties.

Xi also presented the Friendship Medal of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to Trong, saying that the medal represents the profound friendship of “comrades plus brothers” between China and Vietnam.

The award is presented to those who support the country’s modernization, promote exchanges between China and the world and safeguard world peace.

Trong said that he has fulfilled his promise to Xi that he would visit China for his first international visit following his re-election as General Secretary of the CPV in January 2021.

Five years ago in November, Xi chose Vietnam as his first overseas destination after the 19th CPC National Congress.

The Vietnam News Agency said that Trong’s trip is a reciprocal visit, which aims to “affirm Vietnam’s consistent policy of attaching importance to relations with China as a top priority.”

A visit charting the course for bilateral relations

The two leaders agreed to continuously advance socialist modernization, align development strategies, and promote cooperation in various areas, such as medical and health care, green development, digital economy and climate change.

For the cause of socialism and China-Vietnam relations, adhering to the correct political direction is paramount, Xi said.

Highlighting the two sides should consolidate the socialist economic foundation, he said China is ready to synergize its development strategies with Vietnam.

China regards the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy and a key region in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and attaches importance to Vietnam’s role in the ASEAN, Xi said.

Trong said that Vietnam is willing to further synergize the “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Despite impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical upheavals in the world, Vietnam is China’s largest trading partner in the ASEAN and the sixth largest in the world, with bilateral trade exceeding $230 billion in 2021.

In July, China and Vietnam agreed to further strengthen the docking of development strategies and speed up cooperation under the BRI and the “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” plan.

The “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” plan is an initiative to boost regional economic cooperation between China and Vietnam. It involves several areas in southern and southwestern China and northern Vietnam.

During their talks, Trong also stressed that his country firmly adheres to one-China policy, firmly opposes any form of separatist activities seeking “Taiwan independence,” and will not develop any official relations with Taiwan.

Vietnam does not allow any country to establish a military base on its territory, does not join any military alliance, does not use force against any country, and does not unite with one country against another, he said.

Following the talks, the two leaders witnessed the signing of cooperation documents on political parties, economy and trade, environmental protection, culture and tourism, justice, customs and local affairs.


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulBbFiEYwpA

‫حصلت شركة رأس المال القيم المالية “Valuable Capital Financial Company” على الترخيص الأولي من هيئة السوق المالية بالمملكة العربية السعودية

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية – Media OutReach –  شركة Valuable Capital Financial (VCFC)، هي شركة تابعة للمؤسسة المالية الأولى التي تتخذ من هونغ كونغ مقرا لها (Valuable Capital Group Limited)، حصلت على الترخيص الأولي من هيئة السوق المالية (CMA) لتقديم خدمات التداول والمشورة والحفظ في المملكة العربية السعودية، مما يجعلها الشركة الأولى والوحيدة المرخصة في السعودية من آسيا.

ستبدأ شركة VCFC بممارسة العمل وتقديم الخدمات بمجرد الحصول على الترخيص النهائي.

تلتزم الشركة بتقديم خدمات التداول والاستشارات وحفظ الأصول لتعزيز المستثمرين السعوديين وتشجيعهم لبناء محافظ استثمارية عالمية. كما أنه تم التخطيط جيدًا للمزيد من الخدمات المالية مثل إدارة الأصول، واستشارات الطرح الأولي للاكتتاب العام، والإيرادات الثابتة، ومن المتوقع إطلاقها بعد وقت قصير من الحصول على موافقة من هيئة السوق المالية.

تعد شركة VCFC، المسجلة أوائل هذا العام بالرياض، بمثابة مشروع مشترك بين مجموعة Valuable Capital Group Limited (VCGL) وشركة eWTP Arabia Capital. ومن المتوقع أن تساعد هذه الخطوة الاستراتيجية كلا الجانبين على تحقيق استراتيجية أعمالهما العالمية وتوسيع نفوذهما في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.

كما أن المبادرات المتنوعة والمتقدمة التي تطرحها VCFC لا تقتصر على تقديم حلول مالية تركيبية فحسب، بل تعزز أيضًا النفوذ الجغرافي والوطني للمملكة، وهو ما يهدف إلى تمكين البلاد من الحفاظ على دورها الرائد على مستوى العالم.

وتماشيًا مع رؤية 2030، فإن الخدمات الموجودة والمتوقعة تهدف إلى لفت انتباه المستثمرين وأصحاب المصلحة العالميين وكسب اهتمامهم، وسد الفجوة أيضًا في السوق المالية المحلية.

صرح جيس تشونغ، المؤسس المشارك لمجموعة Valuable Capital Group Limited، قائلاً: “لقد شهدنا ابتكارًا مثيرًا للإعجاب في مجال التكنولوجيا المالية ونموًا قويًا في سوق رأس المال في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، خاصة في السوق السعودية، التي تتمتع بمواهب رائعة إلى جانب السيولة الوفيرة في السوق”.

Valuable Capital Group Limited هي مجموعة رائدة في تزويد الحلول المالية القائمة على التكنولوجيا والتي تأسست في هونغ كونغ، وتقدم خدمات مالية شاملة لملايين من أفراد التجزئة والعملاء من المؤسسات والشركات على مستوى العالم. تم تصنيف الشركة التابعة لها، Valuable Capital Limited، كثاني أفضل وسيط عبر الإنترنت في سوق الأسهم في هونج كونج حسب القيمة الافتراضية في عام 2020، وفقًا لتقارير CIC. كما رسخت المجموعة تواجدها في جميع الأسواق الرئيسية، بما في ذلك منطقة هونغ كونغ الإدارية الخاصة، وبر الصين الرئيسي، والولايات المتحدة، وسنغافورة، وأستراليا، ونيوزيلندا.

وفقًا لتقرير (EIU)، ستكون المملكة العربية السعودية الأسرع نموًا بين أكبر اقتصادات العالم في عام 2022. كما تحظى الأسواق المالية والتجارية للمملكة بشعبية متزايدة، مع زيادة النشاط التجاري داخل البلاد.

صرح جيري لي، الشريك الإداري لصندوق eWTP Arabia Capital، قائلاً: “تتمتع السوق المالية في المملكة العربية السعودية بإمكانات هائلة مع نموها السريع. وتتطلب انخراط مجموعة واسعة من المؤسسات والمنصات المالية ومشاركتها لتلبية الطلب بصورة كاملة. ونعتقد أن شركة VCFC مستعدة لتوفير عروض خدماتها القائمة على التكنولوجيا والبيانات الضخمة التي أثبتت جدواها من الأسواق الأخرى إلى المملكة، وخدمة القطاع المالي السعودي مع شركائها المحليين”.

صندوق eWTP Arabia Capital (“eWTPA”)، أحد المساهمين في شركة VCFC، هو عبارة عن صندوق استثماري في مرحلة النمو مقره في المملكة العربية السعودية والصين. وهو مدعوم من كبار المستثمرين – مثلeWTP Capital، وصندوق الثروة السيادية للمملكة العربية السعودية، وصندوق الاستثمارات العامة (PIF). ومن خلال صندوقه الأول الذي تبلغ قيمته 400 مليون دولار؛ استثمر eWTPA في 16 شركة في القطاع الرقمي، حيث أثبتت 13 شركة منها نجاحها بالفعل في المملكة العربية السعودية. وتشمل تلك الاستثمارات كلاً من الشركة السعودية للحوسبة السحابية الناجحة بشكل كبير، وهي المزود الرائد للخدمات السحابية في المملكة، وشركةJNT Express KSA، والتي تعد الآن المزود اللوجستي الأسرع نموًا في البلاد.

يجمع التعاون بين الخدمات المالية الرائدة لدى مجموعة VCGL وقاعدة رأس المال القوية لدى صندوق eWTPA، الأمر الذي يترتب عليه منح شركة VCFC مزايا تنافسية فريدة لإنشاء منصة قوية توفر خدمات استثمارية متكاملة ومتعددة الأسواق و الأصول وتساهم في استراتيجية التكنولوجيا المالية ضمن رؤية المملكة 2030.

للاتصالات الإعلامية:

Miya Chen



Xiaolei Ao



Foreign guests extend best wishes for success of 5th CIIE

SHANGHAI, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE) will be held from Nov. 5 to 10, 2022. Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Former UNESCO director of heritage center and ADG for culture Francesco Bandarin have extended their wishes for the success of the event via video, praising China for promoting the prosperity of the world economy through high-level opening up.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin said that he had participated in the CIIE before, and French enterprises were eager to come to China for development. At present, the CIIE has played an important role in international trade exchanges. Enterprises can come up with many win-win projects at the CIIE which has demonstrated its international influence that can not be ignored. He has called on French companies to participate in the CIIE, so that the two peoples can benefit each other.

Francesco Bandarin said that he has been to China many times and considers the CIIE an international grand event for global procurement, investment promotion, cultural and people-to-people exchanges and open cooperation. Through this window, the world will see China and its splendid culture. The Chinese people will see, touch and experience the products and diverse cultures from all over the world. He said that if there were an opportunity, he would in person come to the scene to experience the CIIE.

Video source: http://news.medianet.com.au/xinhua-news-agency/ciie
Contact: Ms. Cui Yan
Tel.: 0086-21-968888
Email: ciie2022@ciie.org
Website: http://www.ciie.org/zbh/en/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ciieonline
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ciieonline

Kehua Ranked as the No.5 Energy Storage Inverter Suppliers Globally in 2021

XIAMEN, China, Nov. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — International authoritative research institution IHS Markit (now a part of S&P Global) announced the top 10 energy storage inverter suppliers in 2021. Kehua, with remarkable energy storage inverter shipments, becomes the No.5 energy storage inverter supplier globally. This ranking is a testament to the rapid growth of Kehua’s presence in the energy storage inverter market and affirms its achievements in the renewable energy industry.

Despite labor shortages and supply chain issues associated with COVID-19 in the global marketplace, Kehua never lets difficulties and challenges stop its commitment to global sustainable development. The company has 20,000m2 manufacturing area of 4 manufacturing bases, over 4000 employees and 40GW annual solar production capacity. With the remarkable production capacity, the company continues the implementation of its overseas projects, ensuring the uninterrupted growth of revenue from the projects while contributing significantly to the rise of the company’s ranking on the list. China's first black start project of 9E gas units assisted by Kehua ESS

The current global new round of energy revolution is being promoted, the business model of energy storage application scenarios is gradually maturing, and energy storage will become one of the key influencing factors of global energy transformation. In response to this development trend, Kehua attaches great importance to the energy storage market and advances its strategic layout, aiming to grasp the growth opportunities and will continue to escort the global energy transition.

In recent years, Kehua has been forging ahead in the field of energy storage, providing all-scenario ESS solutions, including residential ESS, C&I ESS and large-scale power plant solutions, leaving its excellent reputation all over the world. 720MWh power plant project in Gansu, China

As the energy storage market rises rapidly, Kehua has also made its response to the fast-growing residential energy storage needs. iStoragE series all-in-one residential ESS launched by Kehua in August this year has harvested over 20,000 sets of supply agreements with a total of 390Wh in less than three months after its release.

“PV+ESS for the future.” This is the concept proposed by Kehua for the renewable energy segment, expressing the company’s determination to make PV and ESS integrated solutions its long-term main business and thus help the world’s sustainable development. This honor is a recognition of the past work, and in the future, Kehua will continue to provide safe and reliable renewable energy solutions and devote to building a greener world together with global users.

About Kehua

Founded in 1988, Kehua is a world-leading renewable energy solutions provider, offering PV inverters and energy storage systems solutions for utilities, C&I and residential applications. Up to now, Kehua has 21GW of PV installations and 2.6GW of energy storage installations globally. With 34 years of experience in the renewable energy industry, Kehua’s products have served more than 100 countries worldwide. For now, Kehua has ranked TOP 10 solar inverter brands used in term-loan financed projects (Bloomberg) and No.5 world storage inverter supplier (IHS Markit). Kehua will continue to create green energy with R&D strength and devote to let the world enjoy a zero-carbon life safely.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1933830/Source_S_P_Global_Commodity_Insights_IHS_Markit.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1933831/China_s_black_start_project_9E_gas_units_assisted_Kehua_ESS.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1933832/1.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1933833/2.jpg
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1904051/Kehua_logo___Red_Logo.jpg