Information Ministry Outlines Features of Ayn Short Film Festival

Muscat, The Ministry of Information has unveiled salient features of ‘Ayn Festival’, a short film festival that the ministry plans to organize in January 2024.

Ayn Festival, the first cinema pageant to be performed by Ayn platform, provides an opportunity for professional and emerging filmmakers to share their products under three main categories: Short narrative films ranging 10 to 40 minutes, documentary films (10 to 30 minutes long) and children’s movies (5 to 15 minutes).

The concept areas set for the entries include ‘good citizenship’, ‘tourism’, ‘youth and sports’, ‘technical and digital future outlooks’, ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘social networking sites’. The films will capitalize on different angles of the selected areas and the aspects of humanity, Omani culture, identity, science, knowledge and social issues.

Source: Oman News Agency