President Abbas discusses international efforts to reach an immediate ceasefire with the UN Secretary-General

RAMALLAH, Wednesday, May 19, 2021 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas discussed during a phone call today with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres the international efforts exerted to secure an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

The President stressed the need for an immediate cessation of the Israeli brutal attacks against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, which have caused catastrophe and devastation, calling to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for the commission of these crimes.

He further stressed the need to put a stop to the Israeli extremist settler attacks, which are backed by the Israeli forces, against Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem and attempts to forcibly expel Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, as well as attacks against Muslim and Christian holy places in the city.

They also discussed efforts to hold a meeting for the UN General Assembly scheduled for tomorrow in New York and to continue working for the issuance of the UN Security Council resolution.

He thanked the UN Secretary-General for the efforts made by the international organization to stop the Israeli escalation against the Palestinian people, stressing the need to provide urgent humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people who are subject to the latest brutal Israeli aggression and to exert further efforts to respond to the humanitarian situation in the State of Palestine.

The president emphasized that the Israeli escalation against the Palestinian people requires the start of a political solution based on UN resolutions under the auspices of the International Quartet, and to convene an international peace conference to end the Israeli occupation in order to establish the independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He called on the international community to pressure Israel to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the signed agreements, to respect international law, preserve the existing historical status quo in Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary that includes Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock), to not expel Palestinian families from their homes in

European leaders should strongly condemn the surge in anti-Semitism and take steps to protect Jewish communities, including holding criminal suspects to account.

Jerusalem, stop the policy of house demolition, and to hold the Israeli government responsible for its settler attacks against the Palestinian people.

For his part, the UN Secretary-General affirmed that the United Nations is exerting increased efforts to achieve an immediate ceasefire and calm, to provide urgent humanitarian relief assistance, and to continue working with the International Quartet to achieve a political horizon that leads to a comprehensive and just peace in accordance with international law.


Source: Palestine News & Info Agency (WAFA)

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