OJT Orientation for Business Studies Students Graduating in Semester II (2022-23)

OJT Committee of Business Studies Department of University of Technology and Applied sciences has conducted the On-Job-training orientation on 14/December/2022 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. The orientation was focused specially for students graduating with Bachelor Degree next semester.

Prior to the orientation, students were informed well in advance through email, sms announcement and personal call. The Orientation stared with welcoming and informing the students about the importance of the OJT as it the mandatory subject to graduate from the University. The second part of the orientation was about teaching students step by step registration on Portal, writing up the log book for daily attendance ending by the clearance step after training completion. More than frothy students graduating with bachelor degree next semester, attended the orientation. To support the students during training all OJT Committee members were introduced to students with their contact information The committee members assisted the students to register in the OJT portal Students were also given a chance for on the spot registration for the upcoming training program of Mazoon electricity company. During the orientation students have shown the full interest by asking questions and clarifying their doubts.

Source: University of Technology and Applied Sciences